Thursday, January 07, 2010

Hallelujah and Jesus...That's all I got.

Here is a song that my 5th graders sang today in their Yupik class. They sang for 40 minutes and at the end I said, lets record that one. You know. That one. I have a limited Yupik vocabulary, so they went back and found the right one. I wanted this song, because they genuinely seemed happy to sing it and sang it louder than any other. The pictures are from last winter. Right know we have zero snow. zero.

Hallelujah Maligciqaq

Hallelujah maligciqaqa Jesus tumikun
Elliin maryarciqanga (ciunerkamnun)
Ayauciqanga nunakamnun-llu-pakmavet
Hallelujah maligciqaqa Jesus

1st verse
Alainat pelluciqut mani nunami
atunqigngaunateng yani
iquani atumangailameng,
Hallelujah maligciqaqa Jesus.


2nd verse
Jesus qanellruuq tumkauniluni
ilumulria yuullerkaq
kina taingaituq wangkun taugaam
Hallelujah maligciqaqa Jesus


3rd verse
Jesus qanellruuq qanerluni
ataam whi taiciqua
teguyarturluki wiinga yugkanka
Hallelujah maligciqaqa Jesus.


Saturday, January 02, 2010

Timmy's famous!!

Here is the story the Tundra Drums newspaper did on Tim. It was hilarious watching him read it for the first time last night. First, he made sure they didn't have a picture and then glared at me. lol

Great title - they even linked the story on the newspaper in village section. Eric spent the day sending this link to everyone he could think of, including the superintendents. hahaa

Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year - NOW DUCK AND COVER!!!

Pictures from the end of Sammy's display. I missed the really good stuff.

Quinhagak rang in the new year this morning much like the rest of the world, but with its own little twist. After a few of us teachers finished watching "Public Enemy" with Johnny Depp, as John Dillenger. We stepped outside, just five minutes before the stroke of midnight. Much like the shoot em' movie we just witnessed on screen, Quin was ablaze with gunfire. I got to admit the gunfire raised the heart rate a little, because it sounded like 5 opening day deer hunts wrapped in one. I sank into the shadows and watched a most impressive fireworks display put on by the corporation store and our neighbor Sammy. Sammy owns the video store and according to reports had $4,000 of the "good stuff" as I like to call it. As a guy who blows a lot of money of the 4th, I got to say I was more than impressed. Maybe jealous?? idk. One thing the fireworks did do, was distract us from gunfire that was accompanying it. Kids kept wanting to know why aren't you shooting Jim. I didn't tell them the real reason. I was hiding. Happy New Year everyone! Here's to a great 2010!