So about a week and half ago, we showed up to school like any other day. Ready to educate and inspire. :) Unknown to us, Elsie one of the nicest ladies in the school and my classroomate, had a surprise for Steph. She gave Steph one of her Yupik Parkas, saying, "None one else was using it". That's it, see Elsie is pretty straight shootin' and she must have thought Steph was cold.
Last Year, when I moved to 4th grade, Elsie asked me if she could station her desk in my room and I agreed. Elsie teaches Yupik to the K-8 kiddos and has the amazing ability to control even the toughest class. One second I am struggling to keep control, keep students in the desks. The next moment Elsie walks in the door and silence. Chaos - Silence. Seriously, so frustrating sometimes.
Elsie and myself last May - She is standing on a chair :)
We have forged a great relationship and spend many Fridays just talking. Afternoons are a work time for teachers and we usually just sit and talk about anything and everything. She is a local expert and very wise on the old ways of life. Much of my Yupik knowledge comes from her. We have plans to put together an Elder photo wall in the school, with all black and white photos. While she doesn't consider herself an elder, maybe I can sneak a picture of her up on the wall. I keep you posted with pictures.
Anyway, that coat is an incredible gift and has many folks jealous. Steph was speechless.