Saturday, February 13, 2010

News and Notes

1. Tomorrow smoking salmon...jerking(haha spellchecker) caribou - Full day

2. No snow - 40 degrees today...easy to complain about the lack of snow, but too nice to sit in the house. No fish, we tried.

3. Here's a new one for you: I blew a tire on a 4-wheeler oil drain plug. It was sticking out of my back tire about 2 inches. Tim's question: Who's machine doesn't have any oil? We were 5 miles from town. Made it home fine, plug fell out after about a mile. I had just enough air to make it home. The low air pressure kept the front end of the car low to the track. Had some good handling and the bump draft with Tim was more effective. The car handled real good.

4. Ball team is still without a "w" - last chance is this weekend. If we don't chalk up a "w" then we are done. Team has already decided to go sledding, skiing, snowboarding up in the mountains. That depends on #2.

5. Store has Apple butter again. This probably deserves its own blog entry, but I'll put it here. I brought four. Two for me and one each for Tim and Eric. My apple butter memoirs: Methodist church parking lot - for what I believe was called "October fest" - homemade apple butter. Only time of year we had it. That was a long time ago. I was a very small. Probably 4'0". One more: Junior/senior year high school - lunch time - One personal microwave pizza, 1 plain bagel/butter, banana, toast/apple butter. Everyday. I was 6'2"


  1. Anonymous1:08 PM

    don't think that qanirtuuq would have apple butter randomly. did you have to put in a special request? ha ha

  2. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Hey JIm, Did you hear about the rumors about Tom Cruise and Will Smith coming to Quinhagak for sports fishing today August 2. Rumors started from Bethel. Got everybody excited!
